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Funeral Bouquets


Flowers often represent cheerfulness and atmosphere. Yet flowers also give meaning to less fun things. This might include, for example, the farewell of a loved one. A funeral bouquet can be put together at OKTOBER at home in such a way that it fits exactly the wishes and feeling you received from your loved one. Both the flowers and the colors of the flowers have symbolic meaning. At OKTOBER at home, we are very happy to help you put together the right bouquet. Do you need funeral flowers and live near Eindhoven? Then feel free to stop by or order your funeral bouquet online.


Putting together a funeral bouquet can be quite a tricky job. It is important to look carefully at the deceased’s preferences. Did he or she like certain colors or type of flowers? Then at OKTOBER at home, we can put together a funeral bouquet that completely suits your loved one. You may also want to impart a particular feeling to the bouquet. For example, do you have a particular color you want to use in the bouquet or would you like a specific flower to recur? When it comes to funeral bouquets, everything is possible at OKTOBER in house. We are very happy to give advice and help you put together the funeral bouquet that meets all your needs. It is also possible to order funeral flowers online in our webshop.


When composing a funeral bouquet, it is important to know whether you yourself will be present at the funeral. Another option is to send funeral flowers to the specified location. Are you physically present? Then you can choose to place the funeral bouquet in the proper place yourself or have the funeral director take over. Don’t have a preference for an entire bouquet or funeral arrangement, but would like to bring a specific flower? That, too, is of course possible. At OKTOBER at home, you can order “sympathy flowers” for the bereaved, but we also offer ribbons, single flowers or composite arrangements. Funeral flowers in Eindhoven can be found at OKTOBER at home.


Do you have a funeral coming up soon and are looking for a beautiful funeral bouquet or a specific flower? Then you are welcome to visit our store or webshop. Do you have a question or would you like to communicate your requirements in advance? Then you can leave a message for us through our contact form, but we can also be reached by phone at 085-8087790. Also, you can send us an e-mail. Very much looking forward to seeing you!

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